Professor Rani obtained his formal education at the Royal Military College. He continued his studies at the College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq and graduated with a BDS in 1983. From 1983 till 1990, Professor SAMSUDIN served in the Ministry of Health Malaysia at several dental clinics in Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur. He has, then, joined the School of Medical Sciences, USM in 1991 and pursued his postgraduate studies in the field of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery in Glasgow. He obtained an FDSRCS in 1992 and set up the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Unit in HUSM. Professor SAMSUDIN was the first Dean of the School of Dental Sciences, University Sains Malaysia, from November 1998 to August 2006. He was promoted to Associate Professor in February, 2000 and to Professor in November, 2003. Former Dean of the University of Sharjah’s College of Dentistry, UAE. Prof Ab Rani has been awarded the Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM), which carries the title ‘Datuk’, on 11 October 2009.