Dr Helder MOURA
Degree in Dental Medicine from Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde - Norte (ISCS-Norte). Portugal
Graduated in Dental Prosthesis from Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde - Norte (ISCS-Norte), Portugal
Master in Implantology from Paris University XII, France
Master in Implantology at the European School of Oral Implantology and Rehabilitation Biomaterials (ESORIB)
Course in Advanced Surgery in the Advanced Nucleus of Odontological Therapy (NATO), Peru
Clinical Residency “Advanced Regenerative Surgery and Aesthetic Prosthesis “- Dr. Ramón Gómez Meda
Director / Teacher at SHAPE Dentistry Academy
Course lecturer “The coating effect project” of Shape Dentistry Academy
Lecturer at Instituto Universitário Ciências da Saúde (IUCS)
Speaker at multiple conferences and national and international level scientific meetings
Clinical Director at CliTaipas
Private Practice in Implantology, Oral Surgery And Aesthetic Rehabilitation.